Why SEO Pros Should Master Prompts: The ChatGPT Revolution

Content generation has exploded in recent years, and prompts have become a must-have tool for SEO professionals.

With these simple instructions, you can create articles, images, videos and more.

For marketers and SEO professionals in particular, mastering prompts is a real advantage.

This is because they can teach AI how to best follow SEO recommendations while creating quality content.

Artificial intelligence has revolutionized content generation, allowing articles to be tailored to each user’s writing style, tone of voice, and preferences based on large language models.

Today, SEO experts must master these tools to stay competitive in their field.

In short, mastering prompts and AIs is crucial for SEO professionals who are in the business of creating quality content and following SEO recommendations.

With these tools, they can deliver personalized content that is relevant to their target audience.

Promptology, Or The Art Of Creating Good Prompts

What are prompts? These are simply words, phrases, questions, keywords, etc. that are fed into AI tools to generate results.

What is promptology? The art of creating the most effective leads to achieve the desired result.

Prompts To Generate Text

After many failed attempts to generate quality text, we can say that 2022 is the golden year of text generation.

Although creating texts has never been easier, I have outlined the main obstacles you will encounter and the solutions to them.

Often the solution is to teach the AI ​​to create a document structure with an introduction, subheadings, one or more paragraphs about the subheading, and a conclusion.

The release of DaVinci-text-3 revolutionizes the creation of long content because AI now knows how to create long content using simple instructions.

Here are the instructions that work best with this new AI.

In this case, you need to give the AI ​​examples of your writing style and use parameters to reduce repetition. The latest generations of AI can produce very good results.

This is a very good question, especially for SEO – and once the text is generated, you need to use tools like Google where you search for phrases enclosed in quotes with a search engine to identify if the generated phrases exist.

It is not necessary to take all but a few phrases at random, there are also paid services like Copyscape for this.

“The text is full of invented concepts”

Sometimes AI can invent concepts and the best solution is to reduce the creativity parameter.

After that, you can also use business rules to ensure that the mentioned concepts are related to your business area.

“Who owns the created text?”

This question comes up very often, but text generation tools are very clear on this matter: you own the text.

“My text is not optimized for SEO”

Indeed, AI has never learned how to do SEO, so we need to give it examples and teach it types of optimization, such as:

It is absolutely possible to generate unique texts optimized for SEO.

Prompts To Generate Images

Regarding image generation, I wrote a full article on SEJ about image generation, but let’s dive into the problems you’ll encounter.

Due to cost, images are created in low resolution.

Many expensive tools help you increase the resolution of an AI-generated image; I recommend this free tool.

“The dimensions are too small or do not fit”

Again, for cost reasons, generated images are often 512 x 512 px.

You can restore the image by specifying your own dimensions – here is an example from Dream Studio.

Screenshot from DreamStudioLite, December 2022

You can also use the paint out technique, which allows you to add new image areas to the image.

Screenshot from Dall-E, December 2022

The best way to check the uniqueness of your image is to use Google Photos to check how similar the images are.

All image creation tools mention in their TOS that you become the rightful owner of the image.

If you ask to copy the artist’s style, if the work is new, the image belongs to you.

“I used my photos to generate the photos”

In this case, the result will be even more original and unique.

At the moment, the trend is to send a dozen photos of yourself up close, far away, etc., in order to eventually generate an infinite number of variations.

There are paid and free tools, and I recommend using myheritage.fr if you want to generate a picture of yourself in different eras – the result depends mainly on the quality and variety of the photos you upload.

Now that AI can be taught a style or unique concept that allows designers or artists to stand out, here are examples of styles learned from existing photos.

How To Master Prompts For SEO

Test And Learn

The easiest technique is to write a prompt, see what’s wrong with it, and modify it by adding or removing instructions until you get the best possible result.

The technique is not scalable at all, but allows you to get closer to the ideal result.

It is often not about achieving success in one generation, but ensuring that the results are always of consistent quality over time.

You’ll also want a variety of tools that check:

In some cases, more than 20 checks are required. Note that this step can be time consuming. But once you fine-tune it, you end up with a template that you can reuse ad infinitum.

I will now introduce some methods that avoid trial and error.

Use A Prompt Search Engine

The easiest and especially free method is to use a quick search engine. They are available for all types of content.

Currently, the most well-known prompt engine is Lexica.art, which allows you to search based on keywords and identify and extract a prompt for the desired image.

You just need to click on the image and get the prompt used to create it. This is a real time saver.

Here is an example of how to make this image with LexicaArt. Type: “https://lexica.art/?q=typewriter”.

Image from LexicaArt, December 2022

There are several initiatives for text prompts, but the databases are pretty empty.

At the moment, the most interesting hints are often shared on Twitter.

Prompt And Negative Prompt

Let’s take the case of creating images.

An image can contain many biases or unwanted things, so we can also remove it with a negative prompt that specifies everything you don’t want.

Be careful that the AI ​​needs to understand the concept in order to eliminate it, so you’ll need to teach it if necessary.

A negative prompt is to specify anything you don’t want to appear in your text and image.

You need to know that when a student writes an essay, they know what they need to talk about, but they also know not to include certain things because they can negatively affect their grade. The list may contain insults, jokes, fictional elements, etc.

For humans, this is part of the memory of the experience, but for AI, it is necessary to provide guidance in this sense.

OpenAi has fixed some biases, such as that all the CEOs were men and all the nurses were women.

Prompts enable writing and negative prompts are used to avoid bias and offensive content.

The latest version of GPT-3 allows you to give a prompt that shows everything you want to create, and a negative prompt that shows everything you want to avoid – like repeats, short paragraphs, and competing keywords.

Ask An AI To Write Your Prompts And Perform SEO

ChatGPT is a chat bot based on OpenAI artificial intelligence.

It is designed to provide a smooth and natural conversation, answering users’ questions independently.

This chatbot can be very useful for content creation as it helps you create content by automatically answering questions, generating ideas for blog topics or suggesting article titles.

It can also be useful for creating content for social networks or online marketing campaigns.

Using OpenAI artificial intelligence, this chatbot can provide accurate and relevant answers, which can be very useful for writers and marketers who want to create quality content.

Therefore, this ChatGPT can be used to find prompts.

Screenshot from ChatGPT, December 2022

The final question now is to find out if this AI can do SEO.

I had already tested it in this SEJ article by having it complete the SEO quiz, and now it works perfectly! It can even create such a quiz in seconds.

Screenshot from ChatGPT, December 2022

Now ChatGPT can optimize the following content to rank “electric candle warmer” in Google and explain everything you need step by step.

The SEO recommendations received are better than last time, but still below expert level. In any case, the progress made in a couple of months is awe-inspiring.

Screenshot from ChatGPT, December 2022

Screenshot from ChatGPT, December 2022


Now you have all the keys to write quality prompts to generate image and text content.

You have to ask yourself if you want to build or buy one of the many tools available on the market and one of the many training courses.

I invite you to discover the most advanced workflows that allow you to create high-quality content at scale.

Featured Image: Besjunior/Shutterstock

What are the 3 C’s of SEO?

Simply put, the fundamentals of SEO can be boiled down to the three Cs: content, code, and credibility.

What are the three components of SEO? The three main components of SEO are:

  • Technical SEO.
  • On-Page SEO (or Content SEO)
  • Off-page SEO (or links)

What are the three stages of SEO ranking? The three stages of the ranking are: discovery, relevance and authority.

What is the main benefit of SEO?

The purpose of SEO is to improve the quality and quantity of traffic to your website through on-site modifications. This isn’t just about stuffing your pages with relevant keywords, it’s about focusing on important web elements like site speed, mobile-friendliness, interactivity, and web page content.

What is SEO and what are its benefits? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is the process of improving your site to increase its organic visibility for specific search queries. The purpose of SEO is to improve the quality and quantity of traffic to your website through on-site modifications.

Why is SEO dying?

SEO is not dead in 2022. SEO is still a very powerful digital marketing strategy. SEO continues to change as Google updates its algorithm, but that’s to be expected. If you are considering SEO for your website, now is a good time to start.

What is replacing SEO? To replace search engine optimization, answer engine optimization.

Is SEO a Dying Industry? No. SEO is not a dying industry. The SEO industry continues to evolve as it has in recent years. To succeed with SEO today, you need to understand which SEO strategies work and avoid the ones that don’t.

Is SEO still relevant 2022?

The fact that SEO still works great even in 2022 to achieve better commercial results for business websites and their owners, coupled with the need to constantly research what works, makes it still relevant as a digital marketing method, but even more so. than valuable service and satisfaction…

Is it worth learning SEO in 2022? Yes, SEO is worth it – in 2022, in the future, in the past and always. As long as websites and search engines exist, SEO is necessary. SEO in 10 years will likely be very different from SEO today, but you always need to make sure your website is sending the right signals to search engines to be found.

Is SEO in demand 2022?

SEO is a promising career in 2022 because it gives you access to various opportunities. You can work in-house, take on clients and even create and develop your own websites. In addition, the three most popular websites, Google.com, YouTube.com, and Amazon.com are the largest search engines.

How long will SEO take to work in 2022? This is a quick answer on how long it will take to start SEO work in 2022: at least 6 months. It takes a long time to see good results from SEO work (if you’ve done it right!). However, the ideal time frame is 6-12 months as you will see positive benefits from your SEO strategies.

Is SEO worth it in 2022 to 2023?

If you still find yourself asking, “Is SEO worth it in 2023?” the answer is a resounding yes. The process of adding keywords and metadata to your website changes over time, but the fact remains that SEO is still one of the best ways to rank your site higher in organic search.

Does SEO have a future? Some prominent ways AI tools have proven their effectiveness include SEO keyword research, content creation, traffic and site growth analysis, voice search, and SEO workflows. These apps have made it clear that the future of SEO lies in artificial intelligence.

Will SEO be replaced by AI?

AI will completely change SEO as we know it. From optimization to link building, it significantly affects all aspects of SEO. As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes more sophisticated, search engine optimization must adapt.

Will SEO still exist in 10 years? As long as searches continue, regardless of their form, search engines and SEO will remain. In fact, the importance of SEO may change over the next 10 years as more and more businesses compete for the top position in search results.

Is AI used in SEO?

Search optimization AI analyzes the relationships between sites, content pages and search engine rankings. The results are fast, actionable, and even automated tactics that allow you to optimize your competition. Here’s how to do it: Identify opportunities.

Does SEO use machine learning? Machine learning (ML) helps search engines optimize by better understanding user intent behind query, voice search and personalization. Content creators can focus on quality content experience, customer journey and great outcome for customers.

What is the impact of AI on SEO? Enhanced content with the help of A.I It can help digital marketers better understand all the data available online, speed up the content creation process and develop an effective content strategy, among other benefits.

What is the effectiveness of SEO?

Cost-Effective – SEO is one of the most cost-effective marketing strategies because it targets users who are actively searching for your products and services online. The inbound nature of SEO helps businesses save money as opposed to outbound strategies like cold calling.

Why is SEO marketing effective? In short, SEO is crucial because it makes your website more visible, which means more traffic and opportunities to convert potential customers into customers.

What is SEO and why is it useful? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of website traffic through organic search engine results. The ultimate goal of SEO for businesses is to generate organic traffic – searchers who click through to your website from a search engine results page (SERP).