Axios SEO game book: Speed, authority and brevity

Axios SEO game book: Speed, authority and brevity

If you’ve ever read about Axio, you remember it. At least that’s what Ryan Kellett, Axios’ vice president of audiences, hopes.

The news article about Axios has a unique look. It’s all in the name of Smart Brevity.

Smart in a nutshell: “Axios makes you significantly smarter and faster.” That is their mission. And they have five great guiding principles:

What about SEO? According to a traffic inspector on the Semrush website, Axios had 24.8 million visitors in March, with 16% of its traffic coming from organic searches. (By comparison, the New York Times is the largest news site with more than a billion visitors in March, but Axios doesn’t cover nearly as many topics as the Times, CNN, or other major news publishers.)

The news is incredibly competitive. And Smart Brevity seems to contradict what many consider SEO best practices. Namely, the longer and more the better.

So how does Axios make SEO and Smart Brevity work together?

Go deeper. Here are highlights from my recent questions and answers with Kellett. It has been changed for the sake of cleverness and brevity.

SEO is the entry point. For Axios, this is always the audience first. Kellett said Axios delivers reliable news and knowledge in the smartest and most efficient way. What role does SEO play in Axios? Kellett said:

One exception: Axios Pro, which specializes in news subscription. Professional readers from the search can search for a specific company or individual covered by Axios, Kellett said.

Smart Brevity is the core of Axios. It’s hard to stand out in a crowded newsroom. Making the content longer would run counter to everything Axios is trying to do. Kellett believes that shorter is better. And that most news articles across the web could be shorter and more readable:

Why are axioms important? As Kellett pointed out, Axios’ articles have a special appearance. And this appearance has an inner name for Axios: axioms. The style can be followed in the newsletter Axios AM, the flagship of Axios co-founder Mike Allen. Kellett said axioms have undeniable SEO value, but undeniable value for their audience:

“Start with a good place and optimize from there.” Their native CMS defaults help journalists write good URLs and SEO-friendly headlines. Kellett said Axios doesn’t have a separate search team outside of a larger audience, so he relies on his newsstand, copy editing, and audience teams every day.

Headlines are one area that Axios is constantly working to improve its performance. Their teams do it manually by looking at performance and entering the CMS. Axios does not use any automated title testing.

5 Axios SEO best practices

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5 Axios SEO best practices

1. SEO education. Kellett said that this is an ongoing and important part of keeping up with SEO changes.

2. Authority and depth. Axios is not They do not cover every subject under the sun. Kellett said Axios will focus on strengthening its mandate:

4. Speed. Axios is fast for the news. Very fast.

5. Pillar and evergreen content. Axios publishes more than just short articles.

Breaking Axios SEO News: Axios has just hired its first SEO director: Priyanka Vora, former Quartz audience editor. He helps Axios develop SEO practices.

Axiose’s chosen SEO tool. “We’re in the Semrush store right now,” Kellett said. Although he is personally involved in exporting GSC data to Google Spreadsheets.

Most Important SEO KPIs or Metrics? Raw routing is most important to Kellett. Also, the percentage of all search referenced traffic.

“Although, of course, I also celebrate all our news outlets who send me a screenshot of Axios being on the Top Stories carousel,” Kellett said.

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About The Author

About The Author

Danny Goodwin is a senior editor at Search Engine Land. In addition to writing about Search Engine Land SEO, PPC and more, Goodwin also maintains a list of Search Engine Land subject matter experts. He also helps to program our conference series SMX – Search Marketing Expo. Prior to joining Search Engine Land, he was an executive editor of Goodwin Search Engine Journal, where he led brand editing initiatives. He was also the editor of Search Engine Watch. He has spoken at many major search conferences and virtual events, and has gained experience in a number of publications and podcasts.

Why is fetch better than Axios?

Why is fetch better than Axios?

Axios is able to eavesdrop on HTTP requests. By default, retrieval does not provide the ability to eavesdrop on queries. Axios has built-in support for download progress. Downloading does not support upload progress.

What are the benefits of Axios? Axios advantage over Fetch API

  • supports older browsers.
  • there is a possibility to cancel the application.
  • there is an option to set a timeout for the response.
  • has built-in CSRF protection.
  • supports upload progress.
  • performs automatic conversion of JSON data.

How is Axios different from Fetch?

The body of the fetch must be stringed, the Axios data contains the object. There is no URL in the query object when fetched, Axios has a URL in the query object. The request fetch function contains a URL as a parameter, the Axios query function does not contain a URL as a parameter.

Why is fetch better than Axios?

There is no URL in the query object when fetched, Axios has a URL in the query object. The request fetch function contains a URL as a parameter, the Axios query function does not contain a URL as a parameter. The fetch query is ok if the response object contains the ok attribute, the Axios query is ok if the status is 200 and the statusText is ‘OK’

Is Axios a wrapper around fetch?

Axios API as an 800-byte fetch envelope.

Does Axios use fetch or XHR?

If you need to track progress, use Axio (or XMLHttpRequest). When writing a service employee, use the Fetch feature. Otherwise, use the one that is more convenient for you.

How is Axios different from Fetch?

Differences between Axios and Retrieval: The Axios query object contains a URL. There is no URL in the query object when fetching. Axios is a standalone third-party package that can be easily installed. Fetch is built into most modern browsers; installation as such is not required.

What is fetch wrapper?

The fetch envelope below contains methods for retrieving, posting, pasting, and deleting HTTP requests, automatically parses JSON data for responses, and provides an error message if the HTTP response fails (! Response.

Why fetch is better than XHR?

Another difference is that import requests cannot be resubmitted to developer tools. And in my experience, you can get the files you request, but XHR doesn’t. Reporting In 2021, it is still not possible to track the progress of requests (or responses) generated by the import API. XMLHttpRequest thus dies a slow torturous death, if any.

Is fetch faster than XHR?

The Fetch API can be faster than XHR. # fetch () is the same as at the XHR network level, but decoding JSON, for example, can be done outside the thread because the API agreement is already pre-authorized. Therefore, actual API calls are not faster.

Why should I use fetch API?

The Fetch () API can perfectly reproduce the basic functions of Axios, and has the advantage that it is easily available in all modern browsers. In this article, we will compare fetch () and Axios to see how they can be used for different tasks and with the following features: Basic syntax.

What are the benefits of using the fetch API over the plain XHR?

The Fetch API makes it easier to make asynchronous queries and manage responses than using XMLHttpRequest. Fetching allows us to create a better API for simple things, using modern JavaScript features like promises.

Where is Axios located?

Where is Axios located?

Axios (stylized as IXIOS) is an American news website based in Arlington County, Virginia. It was founded in 2016 and launched the following year by former Politico journalists Jim VandeHei, Mike Allen and Roy Schwartz.

Who are Axios’ competitors? Axios’ top competitors are Cherwell Software, Accuweather, incl. Fa. Dog. Axios is a news and media company.

How many employees does Axios have?

AXIOS was founded in 2016 and its current CEO is Jim VandeHei. Since its inception 6 years ago, AXIOS has grown to 380 employees.

Where is Axios media located?

Axios Media is based in Arlington, Virginia, USA.

Is Axios a good place to work?

89% of Axios employees say it’s a great place to work, compared to 57% in a regular US company.

Who is Roy Schwartz?

Roy Schwartz is the co-founder and president of Axios, co-founded in January 2017 with Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen. Schwartz is a former revenue officer for POLITICO, a digital media company that set up and forever changed the political and political press in Washington, New York and Europe.

What does Axios stand for?

“Axios!” (In Greek á¼ „ξιος, “worth”, “serves”, “fits”) is an religious acclamation made by the early Syrian Orthodox Church, the East Orthodox Church, and the Byzantine East Catholic Churches on ordination. with bishops, priests, and deacons.

What does Panta Axios mean?

Panta axios (Î Î¬Î½Ï „Î ± άξιος): it also means “always worthy” and is said at baptism.

What does Axios mean in Roman?

Emperor Nero, who was very much afraid of Corbulo’s reputation, ordered him to commit suicide, which the general faithfully committed, shouting “Axios”, meaning “I am worthy,” and fell on his own sword.

Where does the name Axios come from?

It was founded in 2016 and launched the following year by former Politico journalists Jim VandeHei, Mike Allen and Roy Schwartz. The name of the site is based on the Greek language: á¼ „ξιος (áxios), which means “worth”. Axios Media Inc.

Where is Axios media located?

Axios Media is based in Arlington, Virginia, USA.

Who is the CEO of Axios?

James VandeHei (born February 12, 1971) is an American journalist and businessman who is the co-founder and CEO of Axios and the former CEO and co-founder of Politico. He was previously a public policy reporter for The Washington Post, where he worked as a White House correspondent.

Who is Roy Schwartz?

Roy Schwartz is the co-founder and president of Axios, co-founded in January 2017 with Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen. Schwartz is a former revenue officer for POLITICO, a digital media company that set up and forever changed the political and political press in Washington, New York and Europe.

What does Axios stand for?

“Axios!” (In Greek á¼ „ξιος, “worth”, “serves”, “fits”) is an religious acclamation made by the early Syrian Orthodox Church, the East Orthodox Church, and the Byzantine East Catholic Churches on ordination. with bishops, priests, and deacons.

What does Axios mean in Latin? ‘Axios! In fact, in Greek á¼ „ξιος and means ‘worthy’; it is usually translated with the added verb “he is worth it”. 6.

What does Axios mean in Roman?

Emperor Nero, who was very much afraid of Corbulo’s reputation, ordered him to commit suicide, which the general faithfully committed, shouting “Axios”, meaning “I am worthy,” and fell on his own sword.

Where does the name Axios come from?

It was founded in 2016 and launched the following year by former Politico journalists Jim VandeHei, Mike Allen and Roy Schwartz. The name of the site is based on the Greek language: á¼ „ξιος (áxios), which means “worth”. Axios Media Inc.

What happened to corbulo?

He remained in Syria until the age of 66, when his son-in-law Annius Vinicianus was caught conspiring against Nero. Corbulo, recalled to Rome, was forced to commit suicide.

What does Panta Axios mean?

Panta axios (Î Î¬Î½Ï „Î ± άξιος): it also means “always worthy” and is said at baptism.

How do you wish someone good luck in Greek?

ΚΠ± Î »Î® Ï„ Ï Ï ‡ Î ·! / ΚΠ± Î »Î® ÎµÏ € ιτ Ï… Ï ‡ ίΠ±! [Kali tichi! / Kali epitichia] â € “Congratulations!

What do you say in Greek when a baby is baptized?

For the parents of the newborn AND the family we want: Î Î ± σΠ± Ï ‚ζήσει!

Where does the name Axios come from?

It was founded in 2016 and launched the following year by former Politico journalists Jim VandeHei, Mike Allen and Roy Schwartz. The name of the site is based on the Greek language: á¼ „ξιος (áxios), which means “worth”. Axios Media Inc.

How is Axios pronounced?

A quick survey of journalists who interacted with the company showed that more than half had the same experience as me: a company that tells you its name is pronounced “Axius.” Although there is clearly an “o” out there.

What is Axios user agent?

Axios allows you to specify a header in the User-Agent using the headers option, which allows you to identify the type of device requesting the server. The User-Agent attribute uses a string to tell the requesting device to the server. The string follows the structure to identify itself correctly.

What is Axios and how does it work? Axios is a promise-based HTTP client for the browser and node. js. Axios makes it easy to send asynchronous HTTP requests to REST endpoints and perform CRUD operations. It can be used in regular JavaScript or with a library such as Vue or React.

How do I pass user-agent in Axios?

Yes, we can specify a user agent with our queries by passing additional arguments to the axios invite. let options = {headers: {‘User-Agent’: ‘xyz-bla-bla’}} axios. get (req. originalUrl, data, options); // set the query header using // or axes.

How does Axios send request?

POST request using axios with async / await This sends the same POST request with axios, but this version uses the asynchronization function and the await JavaScript expression to wait for the promises to return (instead of using the promises then () method as above).

How do I send Axios POST request with headers?

You must use the header selection to send an Axios POST with headers. With axioms. mail (), the first parameter is the URL, the 2nd parameter is the query body, and the 3rd parameter is options. For example, below is how to set the content type header for an HTTP POST request.

What is user agent in REST API?

The user agent request header is a characteristic string that allows servers and companions to identify the application, operating system, vendor, and / or version of the requesting user agent.

What is Axios based on?

What is Axios? Axios is a promise-based HTTP client for a node. js and browser. It is isomorphic (= it can work with the same code base in browsers and nodes).

What is Axios in react native?

Axios is a widely used HTTP client for making REST API calls. You can use it to get data from any REST API in React Native. Axios Properties: It can perform both XMLHttpRequests and HTTP queries.

Should I use Axios With React Native?

Axios is a popular isomorphic HTTP client. This means that it can work in the browser and in the Node operating environment. As a result, you can use the same code base to make API queries in Node, Browser, and React Native.

What is Axios in React?

Axios is a lightweight HTTP client based on Angular’s $ http service. js v1. x and is similar to the native JavaScript import API. Axios is a promise-based tool that allows you to take advantage of JavaScript asynchronous and expect more readable asynchronous code.

What does Axios do?

Axios: Axios is a Javascript library used to make HTTP requests from a node. js or XMLHttpRequests from a browser and supports the Promise API specific to JS ES6. It can be used to intercept HTTP requests and responses, and it provides client-side protection against XSRF. It also has the possibility to cancel applications.