Science fiction becomes reality! Now we can interact and use things that we were used to seeing in movies on a daily basis.
One of the recent revolutionary technologies is ChatGPT which is going to change A LOT of the way we work!
As a programmer, I didn’t initially believe that it could solve advanced tasks, but I was surprised to see how useful it can be in my daily life. So I started playing around and found the ways I found useful and wanted to share.
Here are five examples of ChatGPT and useful ways SEOs and marketers can use it for everyday marketing tasks.
Compose Regular Expressions In Analytics Reporting
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Regular expressions can be used in composing analytical reports such as Google Search Console or Google Analytics. Regular expressions are one of the most boring tasks I know and can really slow down work. For marketers, it’s even harder since they don’t have a technical background.
Let’s look at an example report from GSC, which supports filtering by regexp.
Screenshot of Regexp’s GSC query filter, January 2023
If you’re a marketer with no technical background, you might find this feature difficult to use and limited to the few basic regexps you can find by searching developer-related forums.
Now you have ChatGPT at your disposal!
Just go to ChatGPT and ask: “compose regular expression that starts with “How to” or “What is” case insensitive using RE2 syntax “
Screenshot of ChatGPT response, January 2023
It did the job instantly. Just copy and paste into the GSC filter field and you’ll have all candidate queries to optimize for FAQ or HowTo schema.
Screenshot of the GSC report, January 2023
You can also use it to compose regexp for GA reports. For example, let’s say you want to filter a report that has the words “Samsung” and “phone” in the URL. Just ask ChatGPT to “compose a regular expression that contains the words “Samsung” and “phone” case insensitive using RE2 syntax”.
Just to note, it’s important to mention the “RE2 syntax” in the command, as Google’s reporting dashboards support this syntax.
Compose Complex Spreadsheet Formulas
All work with Excel or Google Sheets. It’s in everyone’s daily work life, and you know how difficult it is to compose spreadsheet formulas sometimes, as you must search to find the name of the function you need, and then spend 10-15 minutes figuring out how to do it. it works.
Now just ask ChatGPT for a command like: “Google Sheet formula that copies all rows from sheet1 where column “A” contains the word “iphone”“.
And it didn’t take long to get the solution.
Screenshot of Google Sheet formula created by ChatGPT, January 2023
But, the formula that gave =QUERY(Sheet1!A:Z, “SELECT * WHERE A CONTAINS ‘iphone'”, “Sheet2!A1”) has a small error. Of course, ChatGPT doesn’t always give you 100% correct answers, but you could be wrong. You have to check it a few times and fix it manually. The formula I got is 99% correct, except the third parameter shouldn’t be there. So I manually removed it and now I have =QUERY(Sheet1!A:Z, “SELECT * WHERE A CONTAINS ‘iphone'”) which works perfectly!
Setup Custom Pixel Conversions
Whether you’re a PPC marketer or just an SEO who wants to set up custom conversions when users take certain actions on your website, but you don’t have the help of a web developer, it can be quite challenging in some situations. Yes, you can use Google Tag Manager in many cases when users click on the link, but smth may be required. different, which is not a built-in GTM feature.
For example, you need to send a conversion event when one lands on your landing page and travels 35% of the way down the page. Now you don’t need to hire a developer to do the job. Just go to ChatGPT and ask, “send Facebook pixel custom conversion event once while users scroll 35% of the page using JavaScript” and it will do the magic!
Screenshot of JavaScript code firing a Facebook custom pixel event, January 2023
You can copy and paste this code into your <head> HTML tag and that’s it. If you have a WordPress site, you can use plugins like WPCode to make the job easier. Alternatively, you can use Google Tag Manager’s custom HTML tag to add your JavaScript code.
It saves your time to find a developer for small daily tasks you have or even if you have a dev. team, you can significantly reduce the workload by doing it yourself.
Optimize FAQ and Featured Snippets
SEO professionals may need help getting related questions from users to optimize content for a specific keyword. You can use ChatGPT to get these related questions to make your content more useful. If you have a travel blog, you can ask: questions related to “cozy cities in Germany” and ChatGPT will answer many questions that really make sense.
Screenshot of ChatGPT performing keyword research, January 2023
Sure, there might be some that don’t make sense, but they’ll do 90% of the job. Suggested questions may not have any search volume, but they’re still worth going after because keywords with zero search volume can drive significant traffic.
Fetch Data from APIs and Coding
Let’s say you have a WooCommerce store and you want to fetch all the products you have with their prices in a Google spreadsheet. Now you can simply ask: “Google application script that fetches all product names and prices from WooCommerce REST API and adds to a spreadsheet” and that’s it.
This gave me fully working code:
Sometimes it can give you code with a small error that you have to manually correct, like in the Google Sheet formula example above.
ChatGPT’s encoding capability will be especially useful when working with Zapier. If you’ve ever used Zapier, you know they have a Zap called “code” which is for power users. Now it’s not. If you have data in a certain ugly format that needs fixing right now, just ask ChatGPT to fix it and use it in Zapier’s custom code to clean up the data.
There are rumors that ChatGPT will replace humans and many professions will simply disappear. In my personal opinion, this will not happen, but it will make life easier in many branches of industry.