SEO Testing: 8 Experiments to Improve Organic Traffic

Imagine the results you could achieve if you knew Google’s search algorithm.

Just think about the organic traffic you could drive to your website if you knew exactly what Google takes into account when generating search results, the exact amount each factor contributes to your rankings, and exactly what it takes to get to the top.

But of course, Google would never let you peek behind the curtain. Not only could a bad actor use this information for nefarious purposes, but he would also take away all the fun of search engine optimization.

Therefore, every time a new algorithm update comes out, it’s up to us to figure out what exactly has changed and how to best use it to our advantage.

And since we are a community in the world of search engine optimization, we tend to tackle these things together.

And since there are no (or very few, at least) absolute answers, many optimizations come down to best practices, theories, and guesswork.

Fortunately, there’s a great way to determine if these theories are based on reality or just pure guesswork. Of course, we are talking about experimenting.

(Insert mad scientist laugh here.)

Before you get carried away and hurry to put on your safety glasses and a lab coat, relax. No gurgling beakers full of mysterious liquids are involved, and the risk of accidentally creating a monster is very low.

(I would say zero, but I’ve seen the Terminator series and it never says outright that the search engine optimizer didn’t make Skynet, so let’s play safely.)

All SEO experiments can be performed from a comfortable (and safe) chair at your desk.

But before we dive into these, let’s talk about how to test your SEO first.

Steps For A Successful SEO Experiment

Fortunately, we don’t need to develop a completely new framework for developing, conducting and measuring our SEO tests – we can change the application of the scientific method you probably already know.

It’s been a while since high school chemistry? Don’t worry; these five steps are sure to sound familiar:

You’ll want to do what marketers call A / B testing to get accurate results. This means creating two versions of the same page with only one difference, so you can see which one will be better received.

Before you start, remember one thing: incremental changes are necessary. If you go crazy and change it all at once, you have no idea which one matters.

Play slowly and be patient. Test one and then wait for the results before moving on to the next. This will give you a clear idea of ​​what you need to do to ensure that you will always apply for real estate on the front page.

That aside, here are eight different things you can test to improve your website ranking:

1. SEO Title

Have you ever written an amazing page title that Google rewrites in search results? This usually happens when the search engine doesn’t feel that your title is well reflecting the content of the page.

But you can change it at any time.

And even if Google replaces the one you created, Google’s John Mueller confirmed that the original title is still used for ranking purposes. This means that even if you are changing your SEO titles, it’s still a good idea to try to optimize them.

Here are some things you can test to see if they’re generating results:

2. SEO Meta Description

Wait a minute – you’re probably saying now – the Search Engine Journal made it clear that Google hasn’t been using the meta description in its rankings for some time between 1999 and 2004.

Put the forks down. Just because they’re not a direct factor in SERPs doesn’t mean that meta descriptions aren’t a vital component of SEO.

For example, they can help improve your click-through rate, drive people to search, generate brand exposure, and set you apart from your competition. All of this influences user behavior, which is the signal that Google takes into account.

Entire articles have been written about creating amazing meta descriptions. But for our purposes, here are some things you can A / B test to see if you can improve your organic traffic:

3. Internal Anchor Text

You may know the anchor text as visible, clickable (usually blue) text in such a hyperlink.

Not only is this useful for giving users additional context, but Google has confirmed: Anchor text helps you better understand the content of a page, allowing it to rank those pages for relevant searches.

For example, in the paragraph above, “Google confirmed” is the anchor text attached to the target link that points to the link that confirms that confirmation.

There are several types of anchor text you can use, including those with exact or partial keywords, branded (Search Engine Log), images, generic (“click here”), and naked links (https: //

To experiment with the influence, the internal text of the anchor can be influenced by the organic motion. You can try things like:

4. Schema Markup

A schema tag is a type of structured data used by Google and other search engines.

According to the guidelines set by, this is essentially a lingua franca for search engines. It is an established standard that uses unique vocabulary to help search engines better understand your content.

Use to create rich snippets to add information about events, recipes, people, videos, reviews, products, among others. This in turn makes your link more visible in the SERP.

And while the schema is not directly included in the ranking score, like the SEO title, it can improve the click-through rate and influence the user behavior results.

Experiment with adding schema markup to your pages and see if it improves your results.

5. Images

A picture is worth a thousand words – everyone knows that. This is because humans are visual creatures. Web designers and SEO professionals have long recognized the importance of embedding images on web pages.

And not only because they add visual interest and attract attention; they can also improve your search ranking.

Original (not standard), high-quality SEO optimized images can benefit.

Here are some things you can try with your images to increase traffic:

6. Headers

Your headlines and subheadings give structure to your website. This makes it easier for people to browse and it makes it easier for search engines to understand what each section is about.

John Mueller from Google spoke clearly about it, emphasizing the presence of any headers, not just H1, sends a strong signal about the content of the page. Ideally, you should take special care of all your H-tags, from H1 to H6. This is because in addition to their structural benefits, they also serve as an access aid and navigation tool.

Once upon a time, your headlines were a huge factor in your ranking. But then, as always, people were abusing them, and Google started cracking down on keyword stuffing, overuse, and other dirty headline gimmicks.

That said, while they’re far from the only factor Google takes into account, there’s no question that they’re essential.

Here are a few things you can play with to improve your SEO results:

7. Word Count

You already know that content is essential to any SEO strategy. But you may not have thought too much about how the number of words used could affect your ranking and traffic.

While you shouldn’t expect word count to push you to the top and take you from page six to the highest score, it can help determine your site as relevant and valuable to your query – and attract readers.

What do we mean by that? Again, this is not a direct ranking factor according to John Mueller.

With this in mind, the longer form copy has a higher ranking. This is because using more words gives Google more information about what your page is about.

And if these longer articles are well written (like the one you read in a very humble author’s opinion) they will help you establish authority on the topic.

And experimenting is easy. Take one of your existing articles or blog posts and duplicate it. Explain your topic in more detail in the second.

Remember that we are not talking about using word count tricks from college (eg “later” instead of “later”). Instead, you should develop ideas and topics, add examples, and cite additional resources.

Then check which one works better with search engines. Chances are it will be longer.

Read this article to learn more about using word count for SEO optimization.

8. URL

Some SEO experts swear that URLs with keywords are more effective than generic URLs. Is that so?

On the one hand, Google has confirmed that when you initially index your site, keywords in your URLs help you understand what your site is about.

However, since this is only considered when indexing your new site, its role in your current SEO strategy is minimal.

But again, that doesn’t mean you can’t use them to your advantage. Clean urls provide a better user experience and can be used as naked anchor tags, much more accessible than the one with 75 random numbers and letters stuck to the end.

Experiment with your URLs. Take some old, non-descriptive links and add keywords to them. Shorten long urls.

If you’re worried about losing links from your old site, add a 301 redirect pointing to your new site.

Don’t Be Afraid To Try Something New

Search engine optimization is an ever-changing landscape. Changing trends can change the way people interact with your website.

As algorithms change and new technologies emerge, your strategy must evolve.

There has never been, and probably never will be, set-and-forget search engine optimization. It will always require forward-thinking thinkers and people willing to experiment to find new ways to get their sites to the top of the rankings.

Who said you can’t be one of them? Someone had to be the first to realize that keyword stuffing helped rankings, and someone else had to find out when it stopped working.

If you want to experiment and try new things, you may find another brilliant new strategy. Just don’t forget to share it with us.

Recommended image: Tatyana Vyc / Shutterstock

How can SEO improve traffic?

8 tips to build an effective SEO strategy in 2022

  • Write for people first, then for search engines. …
  • Use targeted keywords in all the right places. …
  • Focus on the user experience (UX) …
  • Focus on building relevant links. …
  • Format the content for featured snippets. …
  • Remove anything that is slowing down your website.

Is SEO always organic?

SEO, or search engine optimization, is completely organic. Organic SEO Search will provide free rankings on the search engine result page (SERP) while paid search focuses on paid rankings. Companies use SEO to optimize their website’s visibility and rank organically in the SERP without paying.

Are SEO results organic? Free Search Results are free entries that appear on the Search Results Page (SERP). These results are based on factors such as the relevance of a user’s query, inbound links, proper search engine optimization (SEO) performance, and domain authority.

Is SEO organic or paid? The goal of SEO is to rank your website in organic search results. You can also get your site in the paid search result area via payment per click (PPC). SEO is where you focus 100% on organic ranking.

Is SEO Organic or Inorganic? Inorganic SEO introduces inorganic traffic to your website. Inorganic traffic refers to visits to your site from social networking sites, paid advertising, and affiliate marketing. The benefits of inorganic SEO are greater visibility, fast results, and more traffic in a short amount of time.

Does SEO drive organic traffic?

The primary function of SEO is to increase your visibility, which affects your ranking. The higher you are on the search results page (SERP), the more likely potential customers will see you and click to visit your site. This means more organic visits with a higher conversion rate.

What drives organic traffic? Consistent Content Marketing Content marketing is one of the most effective and affordable tools for increasing organic traffic, building authority in your domain and developing your online business. You can create different types of content such as blog posts, videos, e-books, and podcasts.

Does SEO generate organic traffic? Your SEO plan will guide you on the way to getting more organic traffic. To get the most ROI (return on investment) from SEO, you need to identify which pages on your website have the greatest impact on your bottom line and focus on optimizing those pages. Some people call them “money pages”.

What is the golden rule of SEO?

Well-written content engages the reader, increases rankings and search engine traffic, and increases the likelihood of high-quality links from other sites.

What are SEO organic keywords?

An organic keyword is a keyword used to attract free traffic through Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Organic keywords contrast with the pay-per-click (PPC) keywords that are auctioned in paid search marketing campaigns.

What are SEO friendly keywords? Your SEO keywords are the keywords and phrases in your web content that enable people to find your site through search engines. A site that is well optimized for search engines “speaks the same language” as its potential user base has SEO keywords that help connect search engines to your site.

How do I find organic traffic keywords? Use Google Search Console You can view the average ranking for individual keywords by landing page using Google Search Console. Log in to Google Search Console, select the appropriate property and select “Search Results”. Check the “Inquiries” column. These are the keywords driving traffic to your website.

What’s the difference between free and paid keywords? The difference between organic search results and paid search results is simple: it’s the cost. While free search focuses on organic search engine rankings, paid search focuses on paid rankings. For organic search results, businesses use SEO to optimize their website’s visibility or ranking in search results.